Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Seeing the Full Again

Most of the time, people will tell you that getting your mind all sogged with toxin or smoke doesn't do you any favors. Maybe they're right. If anything, it lends itself to a deeper ridge between thought and reality in your mind - But that's something you have to discuss with a developing creator as to whether it's good or bad. No creator I know is using all of their potential - but there's a certain point when using even a small amount with vigor destroys that once insurmountable force that could be stopping you. To get there, you've simply got to improve your frequency.

That involves breaking things down into small bitesize chunks. People like to feel like they're going in the right direction, so creating small checkpoints in your activities promotes this. For example, if you're working on some music, take a 10 min check every hour to see about whatever - the house, current responsibilities, people not in the studio/space, etc. Something that has little to do with the current processing of working on music. In this way you can work confidently knowing that you're not too deeply attached from outside processes.

It's important to to do this because today your actions ripple very broadly. If you do something, then there's a big possibility that you can see how it effects someone and something else - and fairly quickly.

So to see the full again, you have to get used to being out of your "Zone", because your zone is probably what's keeping you greasy. You've gotten comfortable with what you know and have known, and too deeply made this a habit. So think about it. Stop it. and start getting in gear.

To Degreasing,


Friday, March 7, 2008

I saw your Happy Ass at McDonalds the other day.

Put that shit down on the ground.

No need to eat like that any longer. It's so disgusting. That amusing sludge crawling down your esophagus into your awaiting chamber, so rancid from all that stale ass semi-meat McDonald's drips into patties. But that's just me. And plus - I had a Filet-O-Fish. That shit was good.

But what's with the "O" anyway? Is this a carnival we're at? "Here ye" and shit like that. Boo.

But in halfway seriousness, think about what you eat. Obviously McDonald's isn't the best choice, and I know you're not trying to handle that lettuce wrap - so where's the middle ground? How do you eat with vigor and beastliness over parsely? Does that happen? No. So here's some tips for that ass:

1. Eat less. You need to handle that extra $2 instead of wasting it on an extra sandwich. You know you're not that hungry, but that little 1 isn't going to fill you up. It's made that way. You're supposed to want to buy another grease pod so DON'T DO IT!

2. Exercise daily. Get that ass up in the morning and run a little bit. If you're not by a track or something, run in one direction for 10 mins. Then walk back. You'll thank yourself later on this week. Trust me. You'll think brighter, have more luminance, and be more optimistic because of the dopamine increase you'll have. Remember, you can either steal dopamine (drugs, alchohol), or you can naturally produce it (work, play). It's your life. Handle that.

3. Digest something motivating: Don't get caught slipping. Motivation is the key to momentum. If you aren't motivated to do well in life, you're probably not going to. Build momentum in a good direction and by the time you look up, you'll be on another level.

Stop Being Greasy

Stop Being Greasy
Good Laser #001

About the Author, main

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Compton, California, United States
After countless hours of downloading grease to my body, scathing my brain with drugs, and generally taking a sorry ass route, the same steps I wrote in idle moments now contain the potency I need to transcend the scene. As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear, and that foo hopped out of the bushes with a mission. So, for lack of a better phrase, a mofo is READY nowadays. Take from this what you can and come back a lot.